Event of the Week: Too Much Music


Too Much Music Holds Acoustic Concert in Glasgow

Glasgow’s 13th Note welcomed several bands for Too Much Music’s event, which happened the 15th of April. “The gig was an acoustic gig which featured Mayor Stubbs, Widdy Bond and Shambles Miller who are male solo artists,” wrote George Smith in an email interview. “Headlining was Chloe Marie along with her band. It was a small intimate event which took place at 13th Note.” Smith wrote that he’s been a music promoter for a year and this event was his latest. “I’m looking to build my company and I’m looking to put on many more gigs in the future,” he wrote.

How Too Much Music’s Promoted the Event

Smith used his own online presence to promote this jam-packed concert. “I used my website and social media to promote the event. Word of mouth is also a great way to telling people about the gig,” he wrote. “I’ve conducted market research which showed me most people don’t regularly attend gigs because they don’t know they are on. So telling people as often as possible without spamming them is a great way to letting them know about events. I have also found a clever ticket price also attracts people.”

The Event’s Outcome

So with all of that planning, how did that event go? “The gig went really well. The artists playing and venue staff helped the gig run smoothly,” he wrote. “I done my best to bring as big a crowd possible to the gig and there was a great turn out for the artists which was the point of the event.”

“The best part of this gig – and any gig I promote – is that I get to put on artists that I love and share them with people,” he wrote. “This line up in particular was full of my favourite artists that I’ve discovered since I started promoting music.”

Concert Promotion Advice From a Pro

Let’s say you’re planning your own music concert. Smith has a lot of advice to give, particularly when it comes to thinking ahead. “If anyone is going to put on a similar event the best advice I could give them is plan as far ahead in advance as possible,” he wrote. “If you book the venue first this will give you plenty of time to get a line up organised. I think it’s important to have an idea of what line up you would like before the venue is booked but plenty of time to plan is essential. This also gives you time to get posters designed and printed and distributed to bars and clubs – and across your college or university if you are in education – the more places the better. It gives you and the artists playing more time to sell tickets.”

Smith also said that Facebook is a tool organisers need to utilize. “A poster and event page on Facebook and social media is essential. Having a poster and event page allows people to share them which means you will reach a wider audience,” he wrote. “It is important to tell as many people about the event as possible. As the promoter it’s your job to try and attract a crowd.”

“Also check listings that are already available before choosing a date for your event to try and avoid clashing with similar gigs on the same night,” he wrote. “It can’t be helped if you have already announced your gig and a similar one is announced after it.”

Lastly, Smith advises having your concert organized in a way that hypes the audience what they want to see. “You should also think about the running order in advance. Some venues and promoters arrange their running with the artist who sells the most event tickets goes on last and so on,” he wrote. “If you are planning an event you should think of the running order in advance and think about what would work best on the night. Think about what styles would work well and which artists would work best after each other.”

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